Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Showcase LA Events Inc Reveals What Really Makes a Great Entreprenuer

For a long time, it was thought that great entrepreneurs were born, not made. People thought that entrepreneurs had some innate, inimitable quality that they were born with, and that this meant they were destined to be a successful entrepreneur. However, here at Showcase LA Events, Inc., we believe that this is wrong. Anyone can be a successful entrepreneur, as long as they have the right skills. Here are the qualities that we think are key to being a great entrepreneur.
  1. Take calculated risks. Great entrepreneurs don’t jump in with both feet without checking where they’re going to land. Don’t be misled into thinking that entrepreneurs are daring and throw caution to the wind – they actually plan very carefully.
  2. Start with nothing to lose. Many great entrepreneurs started their businesses when they had nothing, or even less than nothing – Sam Hamadeh, who founded, claims that he had “$25,000 in credit card debt” when he started his business.
  3. Don’t take failure too hard. Hundreds of thousands of people have business ideas, but relatively few succeed because the market is so competitive. If you do fail, don’t take it personally and, if you can, brush yourself off and start again. Just because you didn’t make it this time, doesn’t mean you won’t make it next time.
  4. Identify gaps in the market. You don’t have to be super-creative to be a great entrepreneur, you just need to keep your eyes open and see what’s missing.
In the US, we have a thriving economy that’s built on entrepreneurs. You could be the next big businessperson that millions find inspiration from.

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