Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Showcase LA Events, Inc. Recognizes the Importance of Mentoring, Just Like Richard Branson

Some of the biggest, most successful entrepreneurs in the world share the same values as we do at Showcase LA Events, Inc. We believe that mentoring is one of the best ways to ensure that a team always works effectively, and as a result, our company offers regular training and mentoring opportunities that help people get the most out of their abilities, and perform as well as possible – day in, day out.

Recently, Richard Branson spoke about the importance of mentoring, and his experiences. He explained that mentoring was particularly important to him, mentioning that Freddie Laker gave him invaluable advice when he was first setting up Virgin Atlantic. Branson went on to explain that his Mom was his primary mentor throughout his life.

Most notably, however, Branson mentioned that he finds mentors inside and outside of Virgin, and explained that any successful businessperson can benefit from advice from others. We share this sentiment entirely, which is why we have taken steps to ensure that our corporate culture is welcoming, friendly and encouraging.

We have a mentoring system in place that gives people the chance to access help if they need it, getting assistance with work matters or take advantage of training and development systems. This has been in place since the inception of the company, and many team members have already benefitted from the program. This is yet another example of how looking up to the successful entrepreneurs in the world can help a business succeed.

We are continuing to look up to the likes of Richard Branson for ideas and advice. We are sure that by continuing to motivate our team members as well, we're going to continue providing high quality services to all of our clients.

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