Monday, November 11, 2013

Showcase LA Events, Inc.’s Favorite Business Blogs

Our team members at Showcase LA Events, Inc. regularly look to other businesses and leaders for inspiration, and we definitely encourage this practice. While we have an effective and positive company culture, we are always looking for new ideas from the rest of the business world. For this reason, we like to take a look at a number of business blogs that can offer an insight into different industries and even new marketing and sales techniques that emerge. 

Here are some of our favorites:

1.    Quora: Quora is a blog that features input from a huge range of entrepreneurs from well known and famous businesspeople, to small and medium sized business owners. The best part of this site is that it often has question and answer features, where well known businesspeople take time to explain their success and answer frequently asked questions.

2.    LinkedIn Today: LinkedIn Today is a blogging website associated with the popular professional networking site, The blog features articles that are fitting for a wide range of industries, and it can be filtered to fit your specific area of expertise. It is a fantastic source for statistics, news and interesting information about developments in your field.

3.    Steve Blank: Steve Blank is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at a number of different universities, as well as a business author. His blog covers a range of topics and information about his time spent founding his own company. Blank’s expertise can come in incredibly handy for people in a number of industries, and is generally a riveting read.

These blogs provide insight into business that is often difficult to find elsewhere. They feature information and statistics, but generally offer valuable advice for those who work in business.

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