Thursday, November 14, 2013

Showcase LA Events, Inc.’s Top Tips for Networking

Networking is essential in business, allowing you to gain insight into other areas of your field, and even landing potential new contracts from other businesses. There are numerous things you must consider to become great at networking, however, ShowcaseLA Events, Inc. has written down some of our top tips to help you improve your ability to mingle with other entrepreneurs.

1.    Be Punctual: You should always strive to be on time, but remember that getting to a conference early can really help you, too. As one of the first attendees, it will be easier for you to speak to other people and begin mingling in larger groups. Turning up late may make it difficult for you to spark up conversation with people who have already split into groups.

2.    Don’t be too Pushy: Don’t start with a sales pitch, and instead, choose to have friendly conversations. This is an exercise in relationship building, and showing that you are a friendly and professional person, first, will go a long way.

3.    Be Passionate: Once you have struck up conversation with people, you need to show them that you are passionate about your product or service. This shows potential clients that you are serious about your work, and would be an ideal business partner in whatever you have to offer.

4.    Follow Up: The final thing to remember is to follow up. If your conversations go well, give people your card and stay in touch. If you don’t, then you may have let go of a fantastic opportunity!

Keep these tips in mind and you could find yourself with some exciting new opportunities in business. Remember, though, to look for people who are just as passionate about their work as you are about yours. This will make the chances of you having a positive working relationship much higher.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Showcase LA Events, Inc.’s Favorite Business Blogs

Our team members at Showcase LA Events, Inc. regularly look to other businesses and leaders for inspiration, and we definitely encourage this practice. While we have an effective and positive company culture, we are always looking for new ideas from the rest of the business world. For this reason, we like to take a look at a number of business blogs that can offer an insight into different industries and even new marketing and sales techniques that emerge. 

Here are some of our favorites:

1.    Quora: Quora is a blog that features input from a huge range of entrepreneurs from well known and famous businesspeople, to small and medium sized business owners. The best part of this site is that it often has question and answer features, where well known businesspeople take time to explain their success and answer frequently asked questions.

2.    LinkedIn Today: LinkedIn Today is a blogging website associated with the popular professional networking site, The blog features articles that are fitting for a wide range of industries, and it can be filtered to fit your specific area of expertise. It is a fantastic source for statistics, news and interesting information about developments in your field.

3.    Steve Blank: Steve Blank is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at a number of different universities, as well as a business author. His blog covers a range of topics and information about his time spent founding his own company. Blank’s expertise can come in incredibly handy for people in a number of industries, and is generally a riveting read.

These blogs provide insight into business that is often difficult to find elsewhere. They feature information and statistics, but generally offer valuable advice for those who work in business.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Showcase LA Events, Inc.’s Top Leadership Quotes for Reference

One of our core beliefs at Showcase LA Events, Inc. is that any business can learn from people who have already started up and successfully run their own business. We also believe that leaders should look to already influential managers and leaders in the industry, and one great way to do this is by reading and imbibing things they’ve said and written.

We have collected some of our favorite quotes that we believe will inspire the next generation of leaders. 

“Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be a substitute for that.” — Anthony Volodkin, Hype Machine founder

“Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations.” —Tim O’Reilly, O’Reilly Media founder and CEO

“If you can’t feed a team with two pizzas, it’s too large.” — Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO

“Don’t worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop.” — Jeffrey Zeldman, A List Apart Publisher

“Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” — Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.” — Thomas Edison, General Electric Co-founder

“Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.” — Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-founder

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” — Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co-founder, chairman and CEO

“The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achievement. The antidote is to every evening think what can be done better tomorrow.” — Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA founder

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Embracing Entrepreneurial Spirit at Showcase LA Events, Inc.

As a company that is regularly expanding and creating new branches, embracing entrepreneurial spirit is really important. By looking for new recruits who show a clear passion for business and new ideas, we guarantee that our business continues expanding at the amazing rate it has done since it began operating.

Not only that, but the entrepreneurial spirit helps a lot in the regular workplace. It embodies passion, positivity, adaptability and leadership, which allow team members to come up with solutions to problems and innovate on a regular basis.

Positivity is immensely important in any business, and Jeff Bezos is the ideal example of this mentality. Bezos is of course the founder of, and when his venture first began, he intended to create the biggest bookstore in the world. The website launched in 1995 with absolutely no press, and was raking in more than $20,000 per week in no time. Now, it is a multibillion dollar business, and Bezos believes this is a result of his positivity and dedication to the concept.

Leadership is also essential, and it is important to note that a good leader is someone who can do more than just delegate. A real leader needs to have charisma, be able to motivate and to be a great teacher, too. In order for a team to function properly, they must have a leader who helps them find a common goal to strive for. A good leader will also provide support when necessary, but leave a team alone to work when they need to.

At Showcase LA Events, Inc., we embrace all of this, which is no doubt why we regularly enjoy such great success. We look for people who have the abilities to run businesses themselves, and possess the positive attitude required as an entrepreneur.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Showcase LA Events, Inc. Recognizes the Importance of Mentoring, Just Like Richard Branson

Some of the biggest, most successful entrepreneurs in the world share the same values as we do at Showcase LA Events, Inc. We believe that mentoring is one of the best ways to ensure that a team always works effectively, and as a result, our company offers regular training and mentoring opportunities that help people get the most out of their abilities, and perform as well as possible – day in, day out.

Recently, Richard Branson spoke about the importance of mentoring, and his experiences. He explained that mentoring was particularly important to him, mentioning that Freddie Laker gave him invaluable advice when he was first setting up Virgin Atlantic. Branson went on to explain that his Mom was his primary mentor throughout his life.

Most notably, however, Branson mentioned that he finds mentors inside and outside of Virgin, and explained that any successful businessperson can benefit from advice from others. We share this sentiment entirely, which is why we have taken steps to ensure that our corporate culture is welcoming, friendly and encouraging.

We have a mentoring system in place that gives people the chance to access help if they need it, getting assistance with work matters or take advantage of training and development systems. This has been in place since the inception of the company, and many team members have already benefitted from the program. This is yet another example of how looking up to the successful entrepreneurs in the world can help a business succeed.

We are continuing to look up to the likes of Richard Branson for ideas and advice. We are sure that by continuing to motivate our team members as well, we're going to continue providing high quality services to all of our clients.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Showcase LA Events, Inc. Jets Off to Jamaican Retreat

Every year, new initiatives are created and implemented in an effort to boost morale and create friendly competition in the workplace. This year, Showcase LA Events, Inc. has a trip to Jamaica planned, where team members who perform particularly well are to be rewarded with the opportunity to attend the resort-based event with fellow team members.

The trip will see winning team members from different branches of the company all over the country, heading over to a luxury resort in Jamaica. Once there, the hard-working team members can enjoy a number of restaurants, a great range of bars, and some of the biggest, most luxurious swimming pools around. There are even Jacuzzis, local restaurants surrounding the complex where you can try Jamaican cuisine and nightlife entertainment.

The event is designed to give people a chance to relax after their fervent work throughout the year, and also to create friendly competition within the office. The relaxing holiday allows team members to get to know other representatives from all over the country, and perhaps reunite with colleagues they have previously met at national conferences.

Team members are also be able to engage in some light training activities, and these events will introduce winning colleagues to some new concepts and include role playing sessions to give everyone the chance to try out new techniques. It’s the perfect combination of learning and fun, but it’s mostly fun! The trip is to be held this month, with deserving team members announced within the coming weeks, so be sure to keep an eye out on our website!